
You started an MLM! What happens next

It's exciting to join an MLM. You are blown away by the presentation. You think, "I can do that." You go for it. You can always quit and cut your losses right?Let me tell you a story and see if you can relate. I had just finished reading Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad when I found an ad to work from home. I put in my info and watched a webcast. It looked like a no brainer. I joined the same day.The best part of being a member was that I would receive full training and assistance from my team. Then like so many other newbie internet marketers, I waited for the training. Guess what? I never got it.I didn't ask for help, so it's my own fault. What I hadn't discovered yet was that this was not a job that I reported to a boss for. I ran this myself, it was up to me to succeed.So, after I got mad and quit I started looking for a business that really would give me the training I needed. Along the way I learned a secret about being an entrepreneur. It meant that my success was up to me.This time when I found a company that I clicked with I went into it with all I had. They also offered training and support, but this time instead of waiting for it I asked for it.This made all the difference. Not because I found the "right" company, but because I had changed my way of thinking. Your sponsor may want to see you succeed, but they aren't going to chase you down to make sure you do it. You need to contact them and show that you are worthy of their time and attention.Your sponsor does not know your needs unless you make them known. They also do not know your capability until you show it.Think of this, which student succeeds? The one sitting in the back of the classroom or the one in front with their hand raised asking questions? Which student gets the most interest? The one asking the questions, of course. They are demanding it just by being an active participant. This doesn't mean they need the most attention, or that they deserve it either. But they are going to get it because they asked and approached the person with the skill.The amazing thing about this business is that you have more than one person with the education you need to succeed available to you. You do not need to rely only on the person who sponsored you. Iphone 4s Screen Protector You have an entire upline you can go to. In fact, you should know at least 2 people that are above your sponsor and feel comfortable approaching them for help. Don't limit yourself. The more people you Nail Sticker access for your training and info, the more information and confidence you will have. Don't be afraid to look for sources outside your upline. Asking someone for their advice is flattering. So don't be afraid to ask. Remember, your success will also help your upline succeed, so there is no reason why they wouldn't want to help you.

